1997年のオープン以来、日本における“HIP HOPの聖地”として支持され続けているHARLEMは、今日では日本はもとより海外でもその名を知られるようになっている。
HIP HOPのクラブとしてはケタ外れなダンスフロアを操るDJ陣は、まさに日本最高峰と言っても過言ではない。加えて、海外からのDJ・ARTISTの招聘も定期的に行い、真のHIP HOP PARTYを体感できるのも魅力の一つであろう。年間を通してのべ16万人を超える集客数を誇るHARLEMの魅力は毎週火・木・金・土曜のレギュラーイベントのみならず、JAPANESE HIP HOPを語る上で欠くことの出来ないイベントがめじろ押し。クラブ初心者から上級者まで楽しめるクラブとして、国内外にその名を轟かせている。

Since opening its doors in 1997, HARLEM has continued to support the hip-hop scene in Japan as the "holy land of hip-hop," and has evolved into a name which is known today both at home and abroad. Calling the lineup of DJs commanding our incredible dance floor the best in the country for a hip-hop club would not be an exaggeration. We also periodically invite DJs and other artists from overseas, allowing visitors to our club to experience an authentic hip-hop party first-hand. The appeal of HARLEM—which boasts visitor numbers totaling over 160,000 throughout the years—is not limited to our regular weekly events held on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday; we also host many must-see events in the world of Japanese hip-hop. HARLEM has made its name well-known in Japan and overseas as a club where anyone can have a good time, whether that person is a clubbing veteran or it is their first club experience.